CDPAP also known as Consumer Direct Personal Assistance Program is alive and well; however, some changes have been implemented.

Beginning April 1, 2025 families requesting CDPAP, Consumer Direct Personal Assistance Program, where the applicants were able to hire family members, will change.

1) Applicants will have to sign up with Facilitators (Independent Living Centers);
2) Applicants cannot hire, a Spouse, Parent, Son, daughter, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law.
    Other relatives may be hired;
3) All care givers must be certified; and
4) Applicants who are presently in the CDPAP, must transition before March 28, 2025.

Do not be missled that the CDPAP program is closed or can no longer be used. That’s missleading. 

Applicant’s can continue to utilize the program, but must comply to the new changes.

More to come . . . .