Care Givers

It’s not uncommon to hear spouses not wanting or rejecting the idea of allowing someone to assist them with their loved ones care. They refuse any assistance, such as, lifting their loved ones in and out of bed, placing them in and out of wheelchairs, laundry, dressing, changing their soiled cloths, cooking and feeding them and basically all of their activities of daily living. It goes without say, that there is no better care giver than a loved one, but how far and at what age do you say I cannot do this any longer?

Often a loved one such as a spouse simply push themselves to extreme limits not realizing or accepting their own disabilities and reach a point of no return.  Sometimes the care givers hurt themselves and wind up needing assistance themselves. Sometimes the inevitable happens and the care givers pass away before their spouses. At that point, the family hires a private home attendant or applies for Medicaid and the disabled spouse continues to live in the community. Often not even realizing that they just lost their spouse.

Don’t let the above happen to you or to someone you know.  There’s a limit to what anyone can endure when it comes to taking care of their loved ones. Learn your limits and seek help when the time comes. Being proud or foolish will bring disaster for no reason at all.