Saving the assets of a Medicaid applicant

The tragic sadness when eligible individuals don’t apply for Medicaid.

Sadly, many believe or have been instructed to spenddown their loved one’s assets before applying for Medicaid medical assistance. Although it’s an option, you should nevertheless, ask yourself is it the best option?

Upon exhausting all of the applicant’s assets, the applicant has no choice and must apply for Medicaid medical assistance; however, some scenarios may arise, which everyone should be aware of:

1) If the applicant did not pre-pay their funeral who will pay it ?

2) If the applicant needs things which Medicaid does not provide who will pay for them?

3) If the applicant requires more care who will pay for that?

These are just a few issues that may come up.

Ideally you would want to preserve as much as possible of the applicant’s assets, so that the applicant will not be deprived of anything after they get accepted.

For more information on how to preserve the assets of a loved one and still be eligible for Medicaid medical assistance call Elder Care Services, Inc.