CDPAP – List of Facilitators


  1.  A Special Touch Home Care Services,
  2.  AccentCare of NY,
  3.  Access: Support for Living,
  4.  AccessCNY, Inc.,
  5.  AHS Eldercare,
  6.  AIM Independent Living Center,
  7.  Angels in Your Home,
  8.  ARISE, Inc.,
  9.  BestCare, Inc.,
  10.  Burd Home Health LLC.,
  11.  Center for Disability Rights,
  12.  Chinese American Planning Council,
  13.  Committed Home Care, Inc.,
  14.  Community Care Companions, Inc.,
  15.  Community Home Health Care,
  16.  Companion Care of Rochester (CCOR),
  17.  Conept of Independence, Inc.,
  18.  Consumer Directed Choices, Inc.,
  19.  Eagle Eye FV, Inc.,
  20.  Finger Lakes Independence Center, Inc.,
  21.  Hamaspik Home Care,
  22.  Heritage Christian Services,
  23.  Horizon Home Care Services, Inc.,
  24.  Ideal Home Health Inc.,
  25.  Independent @Home,
  26.  Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, INc., (ILCHV),
  27.  Independent Living, Inc.,
  28.  Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.,
  29.  People Care, Inc.,
  30.  Persoanl Touch Home Care,
  31.  Premier Home Health Care,
  32.  Quality Family Care, LLC.,
  33.  Quality Touch, Inc.,
  34.  Resource Center for Independent Living,
  35.  Rockland Independent Living Center dba Bridges,
  36.  Southern Tier Independence Center,
  37.  Western New York Independent Living.